
Financial planning is a process to

map your future.

set sail.

gain clarity.

get organized.

Financial planning is a process

How it works

A quick look at our financial planning process


Gain Clarity


We first help you dig deep to envision and define what your ideal life looks like, uncovering your most important values along the way.

We help you answer "why is money important to you"? This creates the lens for your financial decisions and guides the path that you'd like your money to take you on. 

Get Organized


From there, we comprehensively review your financials and provide a financial wellness assessment

Financial wellness affects every aspect of your life, not just your investments

Map Out Your Future


We provide tailored recommendations with your ideal life and values in mind.

Financial planning is like taking a roadtrip.  It helps to have someone whose done this before help you navigate a roadmap and avoid potholes, delays, and accidents.  We’ll be your GPS that lets you know where exactly you are in relation to where you want to be.   

Set Sail


Finally, we empower you to take action and guide your financial decisions so you get closer to your ideal life while, hopefully, allowing you to enjoy the ride along the way.

Money defines the quality of our lives.  It can shape our own destiny for the better IF we know how to use it properly

Get Started

Get your FREE Financial Wellness Score today - it only takes 3-4 minutes!

Financial Wellness Quiz
Once you’re on board, we monitor and adjust 2-3x annually
What to expect


Do I need to live in Hawaii to work with you?

Absolutely not! I offer in-person meetings in Hawaii and virtual meetings nationwide. This works very well for those living on the East or West Coast who prefer to meet in the late afternoon or evening.

I don’t really fit exactly into one of the example clients – can I still work with you?

Yes, of course! Our specialty is serving inheritance givers and receivers or those that are in or nearing retirement. You may have different goals, pain points, life circumstances, etc. which is great. We’d be thrilled to work with you.

What kind of experience do you have with goals like mine? 

I've helped hundreds of clients with planning for retirement, needing income in retirement, or managing a substantial inheritance. I also own and manage 3 rental properties, including an Airbnb in Michigan, so I am uniquely qualified to advise on real estate investing.  

How do you earn money?

I am a fee-only FIDUCIARY financial advisor. The only compensation I receive is directly from my clients. I have flexible compensation models, depending on what you need. You can read more on my pricing page.

What is your investment philosophy?

This question can be answered in a couple ways: First, I believe in goals-based strategic asset allocation, which in a nutshell means that your goals and risk tolerance dictate the ratio of aggressive versus conservative investments in your portfolio.

I believe that low-cost passive investing should be the default for most people. Studies have shown that active management, whether that’s individual stock pickers or hedge funds, not only charge higher fees but also consistently underperform their benchmarks long-term.

I work with clients who custody assets at Fidelity, Schwab, Vanguard, and Betterment. I offer investment management exclusively through Betterment. Through Betterment, I can offer passive investment management, rebalancing, tax efficiency, and alternatives such as socially responsible investing, target income generation, and quantitative factor investing.